My 3 Favorite Tools To Accomplish Productive Note-Taking

I love productive note-taking.

My notes are all stored in my information capture system. My knowledge database. My Evernote.

And since I love productive note-taking in my information capture system, I have a handful of tools I use over and over again. They have become part of my daily habit, and I recommend them to anyone and everyone.

Here are my favorite tools for productive note-taking:

  1. Evernote: Evernote is a note-taking app that has a great search feature for me to recall my notes anytime. I use it when I'm actively taking notes for a class, or passively as I'm going about my day and want to capture a quick idea to recall later. It also automatically stores highlights I've made from a Kindle book or online article. By the time I'm ready to recall information, a simple search will get me the information I need.

  2. Instapaper: Instapaper is a simple way for me to save and store articles. It helps me focus on the information I consume and captures my highlights and notes into Evernote.

  3. IFTTT: IFTTT (If This Then That) is a versatile app that helps you automate tasks by connecting multiple apps together. I've used it to sync my Kindle highlights, Instapaper highlights, and Twitter likes into my Evernote.

The combination of these tools improved my productivity when it comes to knowledge consumption and usage. If you end up using these tools, let me know what you think!


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